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Metaverse for professional use?

Metaverse for professional use?

5 min read

Can Metaverse be useful for professional use?

There has been a lot of buzz around the “metaverse” concept, but what it really means for the professional community and could it be useful rather than being just entertaining.

Metaverse's concept in general is based on a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection.

The effects of the pandemic, especially limitations on physical meetings and travel are spurring a search by enterprises for more authentic, cohesive, and interactive remote and hybrid work experiences as well as finding new ways how to find new clients and partnerships

Due to that we built a cloud-based platform for virtual expos and digital meeting places.

Participating in 3D environments and joining in with others and talking in the metaverse was made possible for us without transferring it into a game experience.

This could be done as your-self or with 3D avatars. We got them both - but people realized they prefer to play "real life" instead of being part of a game or at the end of the session realize they prefer being offline more than online…

What we have learned is that people want to express themselves online, not to live online. Being online is just a tool for something. People want to make an impact with their content, present to others, participate in events, creating expos... We all want online experiences to make us smarter about things that we are looking for.

Professional metaverse presence allows you to participate with industry innovators and connect with the smartest tech people or in general find new connections with others.

Metaverse is simply being part of the internet - in whatever way we feel and want.

Exponaut enables you to participate in the metaverse, without VR-glasses or any installations. It's a plug-and-play solution for you to participate with your professional community. It's made for professionals with demands to the highest stage quality and communities with high ambition to online presence - growing digital presence and their brand.

Professionals don't like to play games online and therefore did not participate in the metaverse hype, thinking it's too childish (made for kids and new gen.).

Exponaut platform enables to be you - online.

All we care about is your presence in the metaverse, which can be done professionally - with Exponaut you can take part in the new global trend of being digitally more savvy - part of the "omniverse" or "Metaverse".
Following the trends and learning new ways of communication. Being part of the metaverse is more than just sitting behind a computer to be part of a videogame.

Exponaut takes the metaverse experience to the new level. Enabling you to be you in the metaverse. Yes, it's still in 3D - but you can be you - enabling high government officials to create professional political channels and stages, democratic ways of discussion and in general a presence to be felt proud of when representing or respecting nationwide important discussions.

We believe in empowering new ways to attend virtually. "Talking heads" and video meetings are just the way we can communicate online - but it can be something much better and less boring.