Case study / 2022-05


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How Real Estate developers and constructors can now reach easily global markets

Background of the project

SKYON as a landmark building was completed in autumn 2021, and since first days it operates at almost 100% capacity level. It is most premium A-class office rental space in the city. This outcome has been achieved due to high ambition and demands of a developer, and great collaboration between all participating contributors.

Building was developed as a flagship project by Capital Mill, the leading Baltic real-estate developer.

SKYON as a landmark building was completed in autumn 2021, and since first days it operates at almost 100% capacity level. It is most premium A-class office rental space in the city. This outcome has been achieved due to high ambition and demands of a developer, and great collaboration between all participating contributors.

Building was developed as a flagship project by Capital Mill, the leading Baltic real-estate developer.


Obviously Covid-years, and now war in Europe in addition have influenced business revenues, opportunities and chains remarkably. At the times, when travelling is declining, businesses still need to work with their partners, customers and find possibilities to sustain their revenue base and growth.

Activities shift from physical to digital environment has not been an option, but must have to survive. This change has opened absolutely new understanding how to look at the business from digital point-of-view. How to expose and explain the benefits of one’s offering in most efficient way in virtual environment?

Obviously traditional web-page, paid social media or pure discussion in video format are not sufficient anymore.

When market barriers emerge, innovation starts and new solutions are found

Project in a nutshell

SKYON: Ultra-modern new landmark building in European capital (Tallinn)
Contribution to smart and green city
Capital Mill, Construction RE Development
Providing best possible 21th century user experience to end customers - tenants, visitors etc
Combining best knowledge and expertise of customer needs, ambition, quality and technologies
By whom
Architects, Engineers, Vendors Subcontractors

How it worked

SKYON EXPO organizer Capital Mill, known for an inno­vative attitude approached all the partners and vendors that had contributed to the construction work with a proposal to participate in a joint virtual exposition.
SKYON EXPO organizer Capital Mill, known for an inno­vative attitude approached all the partners and vendors that had contributed to the SKYON vendors who wanted to promote their ser­vices and products or increase their sales internationally got onboarded in a short notice - within few months. The digital meetingplace was deployed and vendors enjoyed the exposure to worldwide audience. work with a proposal to participate in a joint virtual exposition.
Solution facilitator
SKYON EXPO was organised on Exponaut platform that provided easy establishment of virtual booth to every exponent. It enabled all participants to initiate under Expo-label their own virtual micro events, product presentations and press events during the exposition.

New era has arrived - enjoy syndicate marketing benefits: save the sales and marketing costs and increase revenue base at the same time

Exponaut increased professional views in digital media almost 1000 times - before, during and after SKYON Expo


It rarely happens all parties involved are getting outcome that helps everybody to nurture their business goals. But is was exactly what SKYON EXPO delivered:

Innovative digital exposition solution for everyone

Modern and reusable digital presentation formats and content was developed for each EXPO participants that was easily linkable with existing web-pages, searchable and findable worldwide.

Exponential audience increase in digital space

In our novel collaborative exposition format every participant enjoyed multiple times more audience than they ever could reach alone for finding new customers and markets.

Creation of valuable business reference

Authentic and self-explanatory digital “visit card” for the exponent participating in SKYON construction case was generated. Cross-referencing by expo organizer and participants unlocked powerful opportunities to be searched and found by new customers and business partners worldwide.

Unique business value was dicovered
for both SKYON EXPO organizers and exponents

Single physical achievement in the past was converted into powerful longlasting reusable digital asset

Valuable add-on benefits for exponents were enabled

Syndicate marketing

Combine singular marketing activities for efficient global campaigns. Gain more reach and awareness for your trade show and to every individual exhibitor by joint showcase campaigns, generating more revenue and online social credibility for every participant.


Exponent self-service portal for showcasing products and services. Permanent virtual space for expos and company reference projects that syncs with marketing automation.


Exponent self-service portal for showcasing products and services. Permanent virtual space for expos and company reference projects that syncs with marketing automation.


True Win-Win Situation
With Exponaut both Expo organizer and exponents achieved through collaboration:

Capital Mill - Tanel Samuel

(Partner and Board Member)
Skyon building developer

“Exponaut platform is a problem solver for many companies that want to quickly introduce their new developments, products, and services to potential customers, but cannot find any reasonable possibility to do that – organizing physical fairs is a time-consuming and resource-intensive venture, and the risk of their cancellation is high. Virtual solutions are flexible, fast and also permanent, because all information remains on the platform.”

Capital Mill - Kätlin Sasse

(Head of Marketing)
Skyon building developer

“It is great to see that Skyon Expo has such a large global reach, we are very happy about it. Recently the Skyon office building has been recognized with the international Platinum LEED certificate. The building received a significant 84 out of 110 points under the renewed stricter conditions.”

Ehitustrust - Aigar Kristovald

(Partner and Board Member)
Skyon office building main contractor

“We are honored to be part of the Skyon development process, thanks to Skyon Expo we are able to inspire engineering students and future generations in general how to build in a more sustainable way.”

Schüco - Tiit Agarmaa

(Country Manager)
Skyon building unique glass facade engineering

“We were one of the first ones to join Skyon Expo, as we previously already had experience with Schüco Global Expo. Outstanding buildings like Skyon are our passion!”

R8 Technologies - Siim Täkker

Skyon building energy efficiency

“This solution gives us the opportunity to present our service more efficiently across Europe. The most clean energy is unused energy, and that’s the mission our team is working for.”

Valuable add-on benefits for exponents were enabled

We are very proud to announce that the Skyon office building has been recognized with the international Platinum LEED certificate. The building received a significant 84 out of 110 points under the renewed stricter conditions.

According to Kaarel Loigu, CEO of Capital Mill, such achievements confirm to both the client and the public that the high environmental and sustainability requirements set for the building have been met.

“Sustainable management and company deve­lopment are important in today’s real estate market, as a result of which such recognitions are born. As only the best possible solutions are followed in the design and construction phase of the building, we can be sure that the life cycle of the building will be as long as possible.”